Writing Groups
In early 2024, FOQUSAphasia members came together to form the first structured writing group. Inspired by the ANCDS writing groups, the idea was to bring together experts in aphasia and discourse to work together to brainstorm, research, write, and submit a scholarly article.
The first structured writing group decided to write a clinical tutorial, entitled: "Let’s Chat About Spoken Discourse: A Tutorial to Support Use of Spoken Discourse Analysis When Providing Aphasia Clinical Services." The purposes of this tutorial are to briefly overview spoken discourse analysis procedures and present a series of cases that illustrate the implementation and unique findings discourse analysis can reveal in a variety of clinical contexts with individuals representing a range of aphasia profiles. The tutorial will offer recommendations regarding the use of spoken discourse analysis when providing aphasia clinical services and highlight research avenues that require further examination to assure spoken discourse analysis procedures are meeting the needs of clinicians, regardless of their work settings, as well as the diverse population of individuals living with aphasia.
Ideally, this will be submitted in late 2024, and we hope to see it published in 2025!
FOQUSAphasia will support the creation of several new structured writing groups around one or more of the following topics:
Identifying linguistic markers of mild language impairment across populations (e.g., mild cognitive impairment, early Primary Progressive Aphasia, latent aphasia [testing above the aphasia cut off on standardized assessments]
Review or clinical tutorial paper on treatments targeting discourse-level impairments in aphasia
Diagnostic linguistic markers in Primary Progressive Aphasia, utility of discourse samples to identify these --> some discourse tasks better than others, and each specific to a variant (nonfluent, semantic, logopenic)
Considerations for interpreting aphasia-related discourse data across languages
Connecting monologic and dialogic discourse, e.g., generalization from discourse to social interaction / dyadic conversations in aphasia
If you are interested in participating, or becoming a group leader, please fill out this form by January 15, 2025: https://forms.gle/H4FwRCPJbzVYNcbg6
January 2025: Interested persons identified and connected; group leaders chosen for respective topics.
February - October 2025: Group-specific, virtual meetings on topic.
November - December 2025: Submission of co-created scholarly work.